Thoroughout 2020 Charlotte shared free emails with audio recorded practices and singing bowls to support presence and an opening into love; a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. You can listen to some example audios below (note these were recorded prior to setting up a studio) and if you find them supportive and helpful feel free to make a donation. If you want to join the Love Revolution ongoing Charlotte shares daily audios and two live online sessions each month on a subscription basis. You can sign up here


Monday April 13th 2020

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! Today I've been mostly so so grateful for having wonderful friends - such beautiful chats and inspiration about entrepreneurship, grief, love, relationships, gardens, dreaming, home, dancing, cold showers - in fact I thought I'd had a really lazy day but now I think about it have listened and spoken proper heart talk, basked in the sun lots, danced through the entire emotional spectrum a couple of times and sung to my tulips so it's actually been quite action-packed.

Betty Erickson is the person who devised and shared the 3-2-1 technique we played with yesterday - she and her husband Milton practiced and shared hypnosis as a therapeutic practice (Ben Wolff referred to Milton as the father of hypnosis. He also says yoga is hypnosis though, so it started before Milton Erickson;). 
I'm so thankful for this Love Pandemic you know. It's funny how you start doing something and have no idea where it will lead - I'm learning so much from all of you, from the process of showing up to do this every day and am receiving so much from sharing this. I just love it and generally how when you follow what you love it just generates more and more love - I never really believed those cheesy memes (before memes even existed) that talked about following your passion or living a life filled entirely with what delights you and now I really believe it's possible. Ha! Thanks for being part of that.
BIIIIG cosmic hugs to you all, and if you haven't done something that makes you feel like an idiot or vulnerable or as though you shouldn't be doing it yet today, do it NOW:)

Sunday April 12th 2020

Happy Easter! 

I found today strange and sad and lovely and beautiful and fun. I think it's the first Easter apart from one year (when I was living in New York) that I haven't been with family. We had really sweet zoom time though and it was a stunning day. Started with a sound bath, closed with a lovely class from Ben Wolff (check it out, first one free, he's doing every Sunday) which inspired the meditation at the beginning of the audio. I'll check the references and share them tomorrow if you want to look up more about the brain waves and how this works.

Sending so much love and light, to everyone in solitude, to everyone not, to everyone in service, for all those we love, all those we find difficult to love, all those we have lost and all those we share our hearts with.

Saturday April 11th 2020

Hope you're enjoying the weekend. Easter is always an interesting time - I've got some strong hard-wired programming from sitting through the looooooong Easter services as a Catholic child, and there's always a deep sorrow and grief somehow around this time of year along with the hope and rebirth, a necessity to encounter death in order to meet the part of ourselves that is untouched by it. 

I now associate this much more with the archetypal feminine birth/life/death cycles that we course through in our lives; in my understanding as humans we need story to make sense of life, just as we need to believe and trust in order to have hope. 

I guess rather than believing and trusting something outside of myself, which was how I understood the church and Jesus when I was younger (I appreciate for many this encounter with Christ is a deeply personal relationship, that's just not how it was for me - something that caused me great sadness as a very earnest teenager), I have spent my adult life learning to trust and believe in myself and the people I am close to, to allow myself to be tender, vulnerable and honest in my close relationships rather than oversharing with the world. 

So now I see my belief system more as the "stories" that support me in growing into those trust relationships more deeply, with love. It's a more abstract, flexible "faith" and it's the foundation for everything I'm doing with sound and lucid dreaming/visualisation when you come to one of my sound baths.

Not sure where that came from, bit random but as promised early on I am just writing these without editing!! 

In addition to the chat on the attached, for those interested in etymology and language the word holy comes from whole (as, incidentally, does the word perfect) - so maybe we are completely whole, right now, on this strange threshold, with all the uncertainty, between the death of the life we used to live and wear like a familiar sweater until just weeks ago, and we're not sure of the ballgown that might be waiting for us to slip into or when. 

Also, the entirety of the poem I read is here: (thank you lovely friend for sending this today)

Unconditional by Jennifer Wellwood

Willing to experience aloneness,
I discover connection everywhere;
Turning to face my fear,
I meet the warrior who lives within;
Opening to my loss,
I gain the embrace of the universe;
Surrendering into emptiness,
I find fullness without end.
Each condition I flee from pursues me,
Each condition I welcome transforms me
And becomes itself transformed
Into its radiant jewel-like essence.
I bow to the one who has made it so,
Who has crafted this Master Game.
To play it is purest delight; To honor its form–true devotion.

I could go on and on and on today, I feel as though there is so much to say about grief, the lungs, the asteroid "Wuhan" that has been travelling the skies among all the Jupiter/Pluto action (and Capricorn shenanigans back in January when all this kicked off), language as a tool for signposting, but I'll leave it there for now!

Thanks to those who joined the beautiful session last night - it is quite genuinely astonishing to me how the bowls work through cyberspace and how these sessions are amazingly deep and beautiful. Lovely to receive your feedback and I'll share link for more sessions soon - I will be offering one next Tuesday at 7 pm then every Wednesday at 8 pm for a few weeks after that.

If anyone wants a lovely free sound bath Carly Grace has posted an amazing session recently recorded in Australia with awesome sounds of nature in the background. My first bowl came via Carly and she's just one of the most angelic beauties I've had the joy of encountering.

Friday April 10th 2020

What a glorious day! How are you all doing? I am super excited to see some of you at 8 pm - get comfy and cosy, use any incense or fragrance that you feel more delightful for and even log in from bed if you want:) I've genuinely been excited for this all day today.

AllI felt for today's recording was to LISTEN. If we are able to listen we open to the possibility of the new, we allow inspiration to come in and evolve us from the inside. sending so much love and maybe see you shortly xxx (I am also doing a session on Sunday via A Place To Heal at midday and next Thursday evening, and I think we'll probably do a weekly Love Pandemic gathering so let me know any evenings you'd prefer, or even a day time!).

Thursday April 9th 2020

Hope you have had a lovely day. I've been in a hangxiety vortex, had my first isolation quarantinis last night and it was a slippery slope... I actually love a good hangover though and how the nervous system sort of switches off, everything just goes a little bit fuzzy. Currently eating welsh rarebit with Lea & Perrins which really reminds me of Dad (he'd add to almost everything!).

Today's transmission invites you to hold everything in your heart - gratitude, loss, sorrow, grief, joy, fear - all of it, and know that you are able to fully feel all of these things and contain them while keeping an open tender heart. The session starts with the 8 pm applause - clapping stops around 3.40.

Biiiiiiigggggg hearted fuzzy love

Wednesday April 8th 2020

Evening all - how are you? I'm totally emotional today, thinking of that woman in Breakfast at Tiffany's who goes through laughter and tears (the one where Holly Golightly shouts "TIMBER" before she topples down drunk).

Highlight of my day was the three tulip petals that have opened while I've been sat working. Still persevering with the possibility that the best thing we can do at the moment is keep returning to light and love and beaming out as far as we can to hold the world in our hearts. 

I really mean it when I ask how you are. It's a strange time holding the reality of how painful life is for so many at the moment alongside our daily uselessness in doing anything about it other than remaining cheerful. It's also strange how we can dismiss our own pain because we think other people have much more reason to be feeling as though things are difficult.

Tuesday April 7th 2020

Hi beautiful people! Feeling a bit emo? Having some wacko dreams? Also inspired and full of ideas and wonder at all the possibilities? Me too. Might be the huge pink supermoon that's going to be full in just over 7 hours. If you're curious about the moon cycles generally I've tended to read updates on here for years - and Kaypacha is also fun if you have the time to watch his weekly astro video chats.

Attached is a fittingly loony episode from me:) hope you enjoy.

Monday April 6th 2020

Ahhhhh love 

Monday! How are you? Mine's been a lovely day, dreamy and grounded (hanging out with the flowers in the garden in between working and planning online retreats) and the attached audio speaks to that possibility of connecting with our deepest dreams. One of my favourite life philosophies is that we are all living in a video game, and you get to level up or use your superpowers whenever you feel like it by using your imagination. 

Sunday April 5th 2020

Happy Sunday all! I started the day with a picture of myself with a little halo writing my 1008 gratitudes on a Sunday, being beamed up to intergalactic fabulousness and hearing the angels sing. Then I land with a bump when I spend hours trying to upload one instagram TV episode that I'm mortified at the idea of posting anyway, in the same way it often makes me feel a bit like puking to send these emails. I then observe my thoughts festering in a negative abyss as I get cross with the neighbour for listening to an awful top 40 all afternoon while I want to do yoga in the garden, then crash into a wall of self loathing because I'm failing to be grateful and instead of counting my blessings am counting my first world privileged problems. THEN I think of all the people stuck in high rises and how terrible I am to be grumpy when I have a garden. Then I spend another couple of hours trying to upload said episode. Resort to a post instead only to find I'm incapable of even saving a picture properly and wonder how a reasonably intelligent person can have such a terrible time posting ONE PICTURE ON INSTAGRAM.

Ahhhhh there's the joy of being inside my head.

Thank you to the brilliant clients, family, friends and teachers who have also been part of my day today. You're the ones that made it worth it!! Thank goodness for laughter.

Today's audio is my best offering for when we feel helpless, pointless and flumped, yet still want to beam a ray of sunshine out into the world somehow.

Saturday April 4th 2020

Sound of Silence

Friday April 3rd 2020

Hope you're doing well. We are heading into the void of the moon in a few minutes and I'm feeling really strongly to drop into silence for 26 hours (while the moon moves between the houses of Leo and Virgo in the skies). I find the connection between our bodies and the earth with the moon fascinating, and especially for women the connection between the moon centres and our cycles is really lovely to explore - worth a google. 

So tomorrow's email will be blank, just with an audio of the bowls, and I'm preparing it this evening so all I will be doing is hitting send. Other than that no social, no email, no whatsapp. I'm going to see what happens If I try listening with all of my being.

Thursday April 2nd 2020

Good evening all! How was your day? I started with a netflix tail spin into Lion King before turning my day around. Always seems to be that when I go barefoot out in the garden my day starts getting on track. The one thing that seems clear is that we're the ones who are in a mess right now and our earth holds way more wisdom about life, death and everything in between than we do.

Today - an invitation to chat to your heart. Here to hear if you want to let me know what it's saying:)

Wednesday April 1st 2020

Happy Wednesday! Can’t believe it’s April already. Short and sweet email today with an invitation to JUST BE….

….with LOVE

Tuesday March 31st 2020

Interesting day today? I had wild scary dreams last night, and a bit of a rollercoaster day. It's been a lovely afternoon and I received the gorgeous request to explore deep healing of our relationships with our bodies. Simples . Our physical bodies are utterly awesome - this request came from an incredible woman who has just given birth and whose body I am in awe of - the way she is able to allow expression of her voice, movement and just recently the TOTAL MIRACLE of allowing an entire person to form, grow, move and travel from spirit into physical form, literally through her body. Other people who inspire me with their perspective on the body are Olivia Bryant, who is Australian and teaches fantastic courses for women exploring sensuality and ways we can heal ourselves through intimacy with our bodies (google Self Cervix - she's been doing quite a few free webinars the last couple of weeks). Finally, Clarissa Pinkola Estes who I mention and quote in the audios this evening, speaks wisely and widely about the body and loving the fullness and diversity of our physicality, our spiritual connection with our bodies and how the body serves as our most loyal consort, all life long.

So tonight offers the opportunity to love being in your body just a little bit more, especially if (like mine) it is getting a little more interesting over these weeks, with extra curves and changing form. 

Sorry the recording is split in two! I was interrupted - the first part is almost all talking, the second part almost all singing bowls xxx

Monday March 30th 2020

Hope your week got off to a good start, very grey here in London which is a bit bleak but it's been a super productive day of work, and the intentions for today were beautiful - to hold a space for healing relationship, for forgiveness. This inspiration coincided with a great article from one of my teachers - this made me smile and want to get started on infecting the population with choreomania!

So the audio tonight works with the Hawaiian practice of ho'oponopono - a super simple and beautiful process to re-wire your neurological associations with pain, guilt, shame (whether you perceive this as having been inflicted by others or yourself). A bit like the way I described gratitude practice as selfish selflessness, you really do it for yourself and in the process hopefully become happier and stronger in relationship to others as well. Worth a go, right?

Sunday March 29th 2020

Evening all, hope you've had lovely Sundays - I've been doing the usual gratitudes and had some lovely zooms with family and my god daughter. Also completely blown away by a friend who has just given birth. Many miracles happening in every moment!

Fiona Arrigo, the lovely founder of A Place To Heal, one of the spaces I regularly offer sound sessions, hosted a Sunday Sanctuary today which provided a beautiful perspective of us all gathering in circle together, as so many have before round fires and in song, and how the communities we are woven into matter so much - always - and so much more obviously at the moment. I love this circle of emails and you are all a part of my and each other's evolution, through the intentions you are bringing and through listening, which I honestly think is the most profound thing we can do for one another and for the planet right now. Rest and listen, allow the new to move and evolve through us.

Saturday March 28th 2020

Hope you are doing well, today I was inspired by the beautiful intentions from one of you, along with listening to the Bliss and Grit podcast (highly recommended if you are interested in neuroplasticity and a light hearted approach to how we can re-wire our patterning and beliefs to shift conditioning we often are so used to we don't even realise it's there). 

The episode I was listening to talked about how helpful it is to appreciate that we are not our bodies, in the sense that while we are inside our bodies and our physicality is how we often identify, it can be useful to get a sense of ourselves as being made of light or love - something other/more than our biology/chemistry, and how when you look at brain scans you can literally see the patterns that people play out as a result of their conditioning
I spent a while last year meditating on what it would be to experience my body as "home" - a miraculous physical residence for the soul/spirit/"being" - and separating my awareness of who "I" was from my body was really helpful in loving and respecting my body and also realising how huge we can become when we see/imagine ourselves as light and love.

Friday March 27th 2020

Happy Friday! So I am about to settle down for a movie so this is short and sweet:) Take a deep breath, get cosy and sound yourself to sleep:)

Thursday March 26th 2020

So today I'm wondering what it would be to simply ANCHOR in our beings, in our homes, our gardens, our relationships, our physical bodies. Open to what we need. Allow all the murky pockets and crinkles and aches to be filled with love, look at the parts of ourselves and our attitudes we dislike....with love....  Then radiate. Shine out billions of beams of light in our own unique colours and textures and sublime beauty. Get out of our own way and allow ourselves to show up as the miraculous manifestation of a dream that we are. To borrow from Ben Wolff - if you don't believe it to be so (I'm not really sure I BELIEVE it myself) you can still try it on for size as you don't have to believe in order for it to work. 

It works best when you relax.

It works best when you don't think about it too much.

It works even better when you smile.

There's also the option to imagine you are being sucked into a black hole. If anyone wants me to do that visualisation just say the word:) In fact could take us somewhere even more interesting...

Wednesday March 25th 2020

I've not mentioned the new moon in Aries or that this is (one of three, debatable) new year in the zodiac; there are some awesome practices out there if you've felt this shedding and a need to invite the new and set intentions, and there's definitely a sense of initiatory fire and birthing of the new at the moment. Check out Jana Roemer if you're interested, or Uma Dinsmore Tuli who uploaded a lovely nidra to her patreon page a couple of days ago. If you want to create a simple ceremony for yourself just light a candle and note some intentions for yourself and for whoever/whatever you feel called to - I like doing these as statements of fact (our memory doesn't actually know the difference between past and future; sounds strange but our memory is simply an imprint of our perspective, so if you create a future perspective you wire it into your nervous system) and your brain can start to behave in accordance with that vibration/resonance, which helps birth it into reality.

The audio today is short and sweet, maybe find an oil or fragrance to provide a comforting aroma before making yourself cosy and listening to the attached.... 

Tuesday March 24th 2020

I needed to sleep loads today and just felt a bit heavy and as though lots of muck is moving through my system. Making some art and writing helped, as well as some work and time in the sunshine. It's been lovely to rest and hydrate and give my body whatever it needs. 

I've made a spotify playlist if anyone wants to listen and it's public/collaborative if you want to add to it! It's a mix of things that make me smile, cry, dance, sing, move - eclectic and hopefully supportive, inspiring, fun. I keep playing "Darling" by Beautiful Chorus on repeat. The attached audio ended up being a nidra to invite love into every cell of your body, should you so wish:)

Monday March 23rd 2020

One of those days that feels like a year since this morning. Such a variety of work/family/friends and various psychological states! I feel as though I'm getting to know every blade of grass in the garden, had a lovely chat with my neighbour who is in a similarly precarious self-employed situation, think we might have garden sun and sound bathing later this week which should be fun. I've chatted or sung with a few of you today which has been glorious, good to see a couple of you incognito on Briony's vocal improvisation - wonderfully weirdly delightfully human.

It's been my privilege to hear what is really on the hearts of a few people today and am so humbled by everyone's willingness to show up with all their everything. 

Sunday March 22nd 2020

Sundays I usually try to give thanks. Not in a worthy way - I see it as quite selfish in that it just really cleans up my neurology and helps me to enjoy life more. Paramatma Siri Sadhana, a yogini who lives in New York, shares the practice of 1008 Gratitudes, to be written by hand on a Sunday and while I've only managed that many about five times I do some every week and it's great. I really look forward to it and the way it makes me feel. The audio this evening supports this practice, it's also fun to try being really grateful for things we want to feel awful about - literally change your mental relationship with what you'd normally see as negative. It can be really tough and BEAUTIFUL to do this with people and situations that you're finding really difficult. 

Saturday March 21st 2020

I realise these emails are like scrapbooks of thoughts and pieces of the day, it's because I'm free flowing with the writing and recordings and banning myself from editing - it's really lovely to do something where the only rule is that I just get on with it and have to send it without questioning whether I'm happy about it or not!

Friday March 20th 2020

Venus day, the 20th day of March in 2020 and Equinox - the turning towards the light, hurrahhhhhhh! 

I'm full of beans, probably because I left the house today and created some great videos for instagram, which for me meant doing something that really scares me - started to articulate who I am in the world in short bite size pieces, which I know many of you would roll your eyes and say "come on Charlotte you LOVE talking about yourself" - however it's been a huge journey to get to a place where I am willing to talk about the things I really love and actually share my heart and I ESPECIALLY find this difficult on social media. However it's time to show up fully in the world isn't it? Now more than ever, let's make sure we do whatever we can to be all of the amazing awesomeness we were put on this planet in these incredible bodies to be.

Thursday March 19th 2020

It's taken me until this evening to do my daily practice, and it made me wonder at our (my) capacity to procrastinate and find excuses - especially when there really is NO EXCUSE I CAN POSSIBLY REASONABLY FIND for not having time or space to meet myself. It often happens after I've had a bit of a tough or miserable day, as though I get scared that I'll be sad again. The joy of practice is that it's never the same twice. This is an especially great time to take something up - in yoga they talk about 40 days being the time to hardwire a new practice, and neuroscience bears this out. You feel it in your system when you've done the same physical practice for 40 days in a row. Might be worth a try - happy to suggest if you want any ideas.

So - attached is a practice which has vastly improved my life. One of my dearest teachers, Ben Wolff, shared this with me and it's just one of the loveliest ways to breathe.

Wednesday March 18th 2020

When I was scared today I realised I have a big fear around not having a home, and the loveliest thing is that actually my body is my home so the audio this evening invites you to sound and feel into your own body and all the yummy and yuckiness you find there. 

Tuesday March 17th 2020

The Rose flower is one of my most inspiring teachers. The audio today starts with her and I'm pretty sure she'll turn up more over the next few weeks. If you've been in my group sessions and women's circles you've probably been kissed by a rose or two from my garden and sipped spring water with rose added. If you want to comfort yourself and feel a bit more love, Rose would be my first recommendation! You can order Rose water from Starchild in Glastonbury (and generally trip into a mystical cornucopia of delights by visiting their site) here - it's not officially food grade but I drink it all the time.

Monday March 16th 2020

This is your invitation to participate in Love Pandemic! I honestly choose to see life as a constant invitation to love. At the same time we are offered a journey into fear. Love is usually a choice that requires vulnerability, softness, the unexpected... it is actually the space in which we are invincible however we trip ourselves up with thinking we can control.... well... anything.... Or by having expectations.... or by imposing ideas of "shoulds" or "best" on ourselves... Or by thinking we are not enough... That there is somewhere ELSE or someone DIFFERENT that is better than here, now, this. 

The thing that has been scaring me over the last couple of years is the idea of fully stepping into the unknown, of really trusting that if I follow my dreams I will be taken care of, without having the "insurance" of a stable income or ensuring I fit into the way of the world, the culture.

Right now I feel as though the structures of our culture, the way of the world, are crumbling, and while we may desperately seek to prop up a paradigm of security and stability we are also being invited to INNOVATE, to slow down and look inwards a little more, to dramatically ease up on our carbon use and our consumption and our participation in capitalist ways. 

It's terrifying. It's BEAUTIFUL. While I'm scared to say it because you will very possibly think me a fruitloop it's like we can step into the tsunami of the great constant ORGASM that is this life (just spend some googles pondering the creation of the universe, the birth of a star, the cervix,  ayahuasca, tantra and black holes if you don't know what I mean). We can enter that space of potential and possibility at any time, through the portal of our body, our breath, our willingness to be present to what IS and to listen deeply, opening receptively to.... ????? !!!!! &$*#(^%#WQ)*($#@)

It's a bit scary. However no better time than when you're a bit scared anyway to try something scary.

It's also reassuring.

You are loved. You are held. You are seen. If you don't believe that, take a moment to imagine what it would be like if you DID believe that. If you feel like it, hang out in THAT place.