Welcome to your free audio! This recording flowed from a conversation with Amy, who is collaborating with me to offer a beautiful workshop on Saturday May 29th (3 pm-5.30 pm UK time). The theme is FEELING GOOD and you’re invited to start right now with the audio below, recorded as part of the Love Revolution subscription service.
To really enjoy some time to yourself my recommendation is to get comfortable and ask yourself if there is any delight you can provide yourself with, anything that might seem a luxury you may not ordinarily indulge in, an item of clothing/jewellery that means something or feels delicious, essential oils/fragrance, a rose that can rest on your nose for you to inhale throughout, a piece of chocolate that can slowly melt in your mouth while you listen.... Equally you can come JUST AS YOU ARE and it will be absolutely special.
Some suggestions:
The best sound set up you can create - stereo or good headphones ideal
An eyemask
A bolster for under the knees
Pillow for your head
Cosy layers - you may drop into deep rest and a lower temperature
Some hot tea for when you finish
A pen and paper to note anything that arrives during the session, or just to write a love letter to yourself maybe?
It is completely normal to experience total relaxation and to even doze off with a sense of sleeping while not sleeping/a dreamy state. Some people experience getting super heavy and feeling like they wouldn't even be able to move if they tried. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to experience this gift.
If you have any questions or experience anything you would like to share I LOVE to hear people's stories, just drop me a line.
This Saturday we offer you an opportunityto connect to your inner richness, exploring the possibility of accessing and living from intuitive, delicious goodness.
How can we establish base lines of experiencing ease, goodness, safety in our bodies so that we have a reference for moving from this place? What does the dream of thriving life feel like and how do we keep connecting with this sense for our words and actions to spring from this foundation? When we experience situations that conflict with this how do we respond? Do we make choices to detatch from people and places that do not support us, or do we explore how we can establish our boundaries and encourage our capacity to commuicate courageously in order to make choices in these scenarios to ensure we feel supported and expansive?
Do you find the idea of allowing yourself to feel good - and to only act, speak, work, rest if it is coming from a place of feeling good - scary? There are loads of ways we can feel hard-wired for hard work. So many layers of conditioned behaviour based on the belief that it is unsafe to follow our body’s wisdom to rest, to be soft, to say NO; that hard work brings “deserved” reward; that clarity, consistency, dedication and conformity are the qualities that ensure belonging in society, family, culture.
We will spend our session journalling, sharing, moving together and amplifying our intentions with deep rest supported by the unique sonic landscape created with crystal singing bowls.
Book your space here
If you are already planning to attend the session, this longer, deeper recording could be a beautiful way to prepare, along with journalling on the above prompts - if you want to make a long indulgent day of self care. Equally it would be lovely to follow our session with this - it is a gift for you to enjoy as/when/if you please. Whatever feels good!!